Simple Green Smoothies?!

Yum? Really? I'd have to see..
This is an interesting way to get all the greens into your body that our modern lifestyles deny us.

At SimpleGreenSmoothies you can choose from any number of recipes to get your green on.

Just between us, I have always given people the snicker when I see them with a big glass of green. I've made plenty of jokes with references to lawn-clippings and swamp water.

Now that I'm a little older, and my peers' wisdom is starting to rub off on me, I think I might give this a shot.

What's the worst that could happen, right?  Ignoring the images of the Hulk and Scott-Pilgrim's Vegan Power dude with the insane hairdo, I'm pretty sure those are just movies.

If it really does suck beyond words, at least I can adopt an attitude of superiority, even if it is just for having survived the experience. If it is actually not that bad and the benefits are real, you'll soon see me walking through the mall with a clear plastic cup, proudly advertising my love for the green sh#t on the inside.

Onwards and Upwards
